2008 May 29 8:00 AM
we have implemented some FI validations and FI substitutions based on SETS (in the validation/substitution pre-requisite): everytime a set involved is changed using GS02 transaction, we get LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST dumps (program GBSAASET is re-generated) from long running transaction (FB01 etc...).
This happens only in our production system (based on multi-servers) but not in our test system (which is single-server).
Why do we get LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST only in production system but not in test system? Is it because of multi-servers? Could it be related to PXA buffer size?
PS: I've already found OSS note 583797 that may help to avoid the dumps.
2008 May 29 10:05 AM
Hi Marco,
The LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST error occurs when there are two
or more versions of a given program loaded into the
buffer at any given time. This happens when the
program is changed by one user while it is still in
use by another user.
To correct the error you need to run tranx SAMT &
regenerate the program(s) that are listed in the dump. Please also refer the rel. note: 162991 - Generation tool for abap.
Try this and get back to me incase of any queries.
Dont forget to reward points if found useful.