2011 Dec 14 4:49 PM
Hi All,
I have an editable ALV with 2 columns with radio buttons.
For Ex : I have 3 fields say f1,f2,f3 - F1 and f2 Represents radio button and f3 as notes(Char 10) and by default f1 is always selected.
Requirement : when ever user clicks f2 the notes f3 have to become editable and mandatory
I have hot spot for f1 and f2 and. editable.
So when ever user clicks f2 i have the event handle_hotspot_click trigger and here i'm changing the f1 radibutton blank and f2 radiobutton selected and i'm forcing f3 editable enabled by using
if ls_celltab-fieldname eq 'F3'.
Switch the style to dis- or enable a cell for input
ls_celltab-style = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_style_enabled.
modify ls_outtab-STYLE from ls_celltab.
modify gt_output from ls_outtab index es_row_no-row_id.
CALL METHOD sender->refresh_table_display.
My Issues are
1) I'm enabling the f3 field so i need a message saying f3 need some text before user jumps to next row and change radio button without entering the f3 notes of previous row
2) Also in PAI for sy-ucomm = SAVE
call method g_grid->check_changed_data
importing e_valid = l_valid.
AND IT ALWAYS RETURN 'X' indicating there was change in the ALV output and also when i try to debug it just go through the method without going to actual code with in the method
Edited by: venki gundla on Dec 14, 2011 8:41 PM
Edited by: venki gundla on Dec 15, 2011 3:21 AM
2011 Dec 15 4:20 AM
My Issues are
1) I'm enabling the f3 field so i need a message saying f3 need some text before user jumps to next row and change radio button without entering the f3 notes of previous row
Prabhu ==>you need to validate it at the time of saving ..by using method check_data_changed....
2) Also in PAI for sy-ucomm = SAVE
call method g_grid->check_changed_data
importing e_valid = l_valid.
AND IT ALWAYS RETURN 'X' indicating there was change in the ALV output and also when i try to debug it just go through the method without going to actual code with in the method
Prabhu ==>yes , its true , it will always returns 'X', bcos you/SAP already called method check_data from the event.......
2011 Dec 15 2:19 PM
1) I'm enabling the f3 field so i need a message saying f3 need some text before user jumps to next row and change radio button without entering the f3 notes of previous row
Prabhu ==>you need to validate it at the time of saving ..by using method check_data_changed....
Prabhu --check_data_changed is not trigerred if i just change radio buttons .Anyhow i can check in PAI while saving without going to check_data_changed but i don't want to wait until the user SAVE THE CHANGES . Is ther way where i can throw a message in hot spot method, i tried message type e but it won't work work
2) Also in PAI for sy-ucomm = SAVE
call method g_grid->check_changed_data
importing e_valid = l_valid.
AND IT ALWAYS RETURN 'X' indicating there was change in the ALV output and also when i try to debug it just go through the method without going to actual code with in the method
Prabhu ==>yes , its true , it will always returns 'X', bcos you/SAP already called method check_data from the event.......
Again its trigerring only when i enter notes, i want it to trigerrer event check_changed_data even when i change radio button