2011 Sep 02 11:10 AM
hi friends,
I am creating sales order with reference contract using
my issue is with quantity field when i am entering quantity as 1 then it is taking as 0.001
i am also declaring its unit field too but there is no change.
in my program i am taking quantity as parameter.
field description is like this Order qty in sales units - 00009001 corresponds to 9.001
is there any chance of changing the quantity .
please help.
2011 Sep 02 12:51 PM
There is another similar post...look at those comments. Consider the data types in use...in true numeric fields with decimals, the decimal is implied, so look at how you're sending and/or converting any value.... For instance, if I were sending data to a quantity field described as curr 15, decimals 3, I would expect that I needed to send 1.000 (or perhaps 1000, depending on my testing) in the input to get a quantity of 1.