2018 Jan 18 3:31 PM
Hi experts,
I have a string which is returning a value with different length for each system
and I need to return that value in a report with a better layout for that I need to insert a space in between every 2 characters, how can I do that?
example: original string value = D2F2G1V0E0M5B3
how I need to return it = D2 F2 G1 V0 E0 M5 B3
the problem is: the length of the original string is different for each system
thanks in advance and best regards,
2018 Jan 18 4:20 PM
2018 Jan 18 4:20 PM
2018 Jan 18 5:07 PM
2018 Jan 22 4:48 PM
Many possibilities:
DATA lv_data TYPE string VALUE 'D2F2G1V0E0M5B3'.
lv_data = replace( val = lv_data regex = '(..)' with = `$1 ` occ = 0 ).
ASSERT lv_data = `D2 F2 G1 V0 E0 M5 B3 `.