2022 Dec 21 4:02 PM
My Requirement is ---- A Non-SAP system triggers the Material data in XML to the system.
The Material data is similarly needs to function of FM: IDOC_INPUT_MATMAS01.
My question is can we call the above FM to process the data.
2022 Dec 21 4:26 PM
The best way is probably to call the "official" inbound fm for all IDocs being transferred via tRFC: IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS. The advantage is that the IDoc is stored in the EDI tables and that monitoring and reprocessing tools like WE05 or BD87 are fully integrated. The correct transactional process of the material master update (LUW) is guaranteed as well.
The additional effort is only that you need to fill the control record (parameter IDOC_CONTROL_REC_40) correctly with message type, idoc type, sender, receiver information.
2022 Dec 21 7:17 PM
Hello blkanth7
You should not call IDOC_INPUT_MATMAS01 directly. Instead send MATMAS IDoc either with HTTP or SOAP as described in the note 1487606 - IDoc inbound processing via HTTP/SOAP
Best regards
Dominik Tylczynski