2013 Jan 08 7:31 AM
in table maintenance generator i have a fields, in that one field enddate is there.
in this enddate field by default value should display like : 31.12.9999
for this i wrote a event 05 .. manually assign the value to that(31.12.9999) but in sm30 when we create new entry it is showing wrong value 99.2..31.1
is there any function module for that
can any one plz tell me the solution for this
Thanks in advance
2013 Jan 08 8:04 AM
Hi Geetha,
When you assign the value manually give it like this: '99991231'.
With regards,
2013 Jan 08 8:09 AM
In PBO of the Table main. screen(system>status>program)
Create one module ,Inside the module,
set the value of the field = '31.12.9999'.
Hope it helps.
2013 Jan 08 8:26 AM
Hi Geetha,
The display of date depends on the format done under User-settings for the user.
The rest is straight forward:
In your 05 event for a table let's say ZTEST and ZDATE field code:
ztest-zdate = '99991231'.
Thats it. The date will be saved and displayed in the appropriate format of user settings. Thanks.
2013 Jan 08 11:36 AM
Hi, Thanks to all of you,
here i assign the value to a variable (ex: dt = '3112999') and use below FM
now it is coming properly,
can you plz suggest me is this way correct or not?
2013 Jan 08 11:55 AM
yes you can use the function module.
it will provide the sytem internal format,
hope it helps,