2007 Jan 23 3:50 AM
Hello SAP Gurus,
Does anyone knows a table or a report that I can use to list all active positions that have roles attached?
We are using a basic structure, R/3 4.7.
Thank you,
2007 Jan 23 8:07 AM
Hi Gina,
i'm not sure if i understood you.
If positions is objectype S and roles ar objecttype AG you could have a look in table HRP1001.
Perhaps you could use Report RHSTRU00 if you know an evaluation path that reads the right relationship.
2007 Jan 24 5:57 AM
Hi Bernd,
Could you please confirm if I understood correct if in HRP1001 by selecting OTYPE=S, ISTA = 1, and SCLAS = AG will get a list with all active positions with roles assigned?
Regarding report RHSTRU00, how can I find the right evaluation path? From a HR person?
Thank you for your time,
2007 Jan 24 8:04 AM
Hi Gina,
>Could you please confirm if I understood correct if in HRP1001 by selecting
OTYPE=S, ISTA = 1, and SCLAS = AG will get a list with all active positions
>with roles assigned?
Yes you are right.
Perhaps you have also to set RSIGN and RELAT to get the right relationship between the objects. But this depends on your system configuration. If you have an "standard" it is not neccessary.
>Regarding report RHSTRU00, how can I find the right evaluation path?
From a HR person?
You could make your own with transaction OOAW
For example way Z_ROLE
1 S B 007 wird beschrieben durch 1 AG
Hope this helps.