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How to retrieve the Sapscript layout changes for a particular Transport request in development server after this Transport request so many requests created ?

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Dear Abapers,

I request the Abapers kindly reply for this blog

I want to retrieve the sapscript layout changes for a particular transport request in development server after that many transport request created and moved to quality ? 

I checked in SE03 transaction the transport request was there.  But I want to retrieve the existing transport request which is not moved to Quality?

Is it possible to retrieve the existing transport request in development which is not moved to quality ?

Like how we retrieving the programs using versions in development server,  In the same way I want to retrieve the sapscript layout in development server ?

Thanks & Regards

Muzeebur Rahiman.S


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The best approach is to download the script from Production and then upload it again in Development.This way you will have the Development Version and Production version of the Script in synch and you can start freshly with your changes.

Google to get the info on how to download/upload a Script.



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There is no version management for SapScript or Smartforms .

When you write "transport request in development which is not moved to quality" - was the transport ever released and exported from the development system? If yes, and if the "Transport files" are still available in "Transport directory" (or if the transport files were backed up and could be retrieved), the transport could be imported again. If the TR was not exported, you are out of luck, I believe...

I would not recommend you do it on your own even if you happen to have enough authorizations (consult with Basis and/or Transport Admin, if you have one in your organization). I would not recommend that it's imported on a development system or QA system, even if the transport contains no other objects - only the SapScript form in question. Import it on a "sand-box" that gets overwritten by system copy from time to time... Once the transport is imported, you should have the old version of SapScript in that system and could analyse the changes and perform manual merge.



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Dear Jānis,

I could not get clearly Jānis,  I will explain my requirement clearly ...

I have 4 TRs of sapscirpt layout changes in development server and released within development server not moved to quality.

After that another 4 TRs  of sapscript layout changes done and released then moved to quality.

Now i want to apply the existing changes also which is not moved to quality along with latest changes.

Is it possible Jānis to retrieve the existing TRs in development server?

Thanks & Regards

Muzeebur Rahiman.S

0 Kudos

Dear Jānis,

I could not get clearly Jānis,  I will explain my requirement clearly ...

I have 4 TRs of sapscirpt layout changes in development server and released within development server not moved to quality.

After that another 4 TRs  of sapscript layout changes done and released then moved to quality.

Now i want to apply the existing changes also which is not moved to quality along with latest changes.

Is it possible Jānis to retrieve the existing TRs in development server?

Thanks & Regards

Muzeebur Rahiman.S

Active Contributor
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The best approach is to download the script from Production and then upload it again in Development.This way you will have the Development Version and Production version of the Script in synch and you can start freshly with your changes.

Google to get the info on how to download/upload a Script.


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Dear Kiran,

       Thanks for your reply kiran.  But I want to retrieve the existing version of my TR to development server itself.   Is it Possible ?

Thanks  & Regards

Muzeebur Rahiman.S

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Means you have done the changes in Development and now you want to revert it.If the changes are too much that you can't revert manually,then whatever the last TR that was imported to Quality from Development,you can get it imported again to Dev with the help of Basis team or download the script from Quality and get it uploaded in Dev again.

But,if the changes are too confusing to handle then synch the dev version with Prod version and start afresh.

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Dear Kiran,

Thanks for your reply Kiran...

I could not get clearly kiran,  I will explain my requirement clearly ...

I have 4 TRs of sapscirpt layout changes in development server and released within development server not moved to quality.

After that another 4 TRs  of sapscript layout changes done and released then moved to quality.

Now i want to apply the existing changes also which is not moved to quality along with latest changes.

Is it possible Kiran to retrieve the existing TRs in development server?

Thanks & Regards

Muzeebur Rahiman.S

Active Contributor
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Ok,Janis has already replied on that part.

Get the 4 TRs which were only released and check if they were already imported to Quality by checking the transport logs but still sequence also matters as you need to be sure which version of these 4 TRs you want to be reverted in Development.

If it is a Script then my first option to play safe rather than taking the risk of importing and multiple versions back and forth.


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Thanks Kiran for your reply.  Now I understood &  got it...

Thanks & Regards

Muzeebur Rahiman.S

Former Member
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Any way its not recommanded to re-import the transport request which are already moved to the quality seems there is no version check for the sap script layout changes..



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I think there is no possibility of get back the sap script layout changes manually its gets updated time to time. once finish the layout changes and the transport request is got released to quality again we cannot retrieve back the same changes manually. suppose if you have done the changes in the layout and not yet released to the quality then we can revert back to the previous changes as like we can revert the code changes to earlier versions in version management.



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Thanks for your reply RAO.

Thanks & Regards

Muzeebur Rahiman.S