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How to maintain an errors in Outbound Interface

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I m Doing One Interface (Outbound From SAP) to Application Server?

whenever the File(TXT) in Created in Legacy Application Server with Succeesfull Record i have to Send an Email Notification to my Payroll

Adminisatrtor Of the legacy System.

Can any one Pls tell me the steps Howto DO this?

An also

If there is any error records found which tranferring Data to ths Legacy System.An Output shoul be display with error records.

How to maintain this in Interface Program.


Uday Kiran


Former Member
0 Kudos


You can follow the below procedure as one of the Error Notification mechanism.

1. If you are using a Standard Selection Program, then you can find the relevant exit to populate all the Errors in an Internal Table with

Error Field Name

Error Segment Name

Error Message.

2. Then, you can append all the errors (data mismatch , inconsistency) to that Internal Table, I_ERR_TAB per say.

3. After that, Export the same to Memory ID.

4. In an Outbound Interface, after the Selection Program is processed, a Standard Function Module is Called, that is IDOC_CREATE_ON_DATABASE.

5. Go to that Function Module, and Create an Enhancement Implementation (In case of ECC 6.0) where you'll IMPORT the I_ERR_TAB from Memory ID.

6. Check if the I_ERR_TAB is initial. If it is not, then you can probably use the FM SO_OBJECT_SEND or SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 or any other FM available for Sending Mails to the respective Persons / Users.

7. Along with sending mail, you can also error out the IDoc by Calling the FM IDOC_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DATABASE where you'll update the IDOC_STATUS table with the errors that you have in your I_ERR_TAB table and set the Status as 26.

Hope it was helpful.

Thanks and Regards,

Venkat Phani Prasad Konduri