2011 Dec 09 12:17 AM
Hi All,
I'm relatively new to all this. Could anyone kindly show me how to ignore those pop up message (which requires click 'yes' 'no') during the TCD recording and replay?
The trouble I'm having at the moment is that depending on the effective start date, transaction asks either:
1) Do you want to delimit the existing record in popup window
2) Do you want to delete the existing record in popup window
3) record created - no popup
What I want to achieve is that regardless of any of these messages, I still want the transaction to complete and having data updated.
Many thanks in advance.
2012 Jan 09 4:18 AM
You can Ignore the message if the message is of following types:
If no message type is given for the rule with this mode in column MSGTYP, all application log messages are ignored.
If a particular message type (A, E, I, S, W, X) is specified, application log messages with exactly this type are ignored. If you want several message types (but not all) to be ignored, specify several rules with this mode and the message type to be ignored in each case
Please refer the below link:
Hope the data was useful