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how to get all pending email in tcode:sost?

0 Kudos

I want to get all pending email in SOST, and then filter unnecessary mail. because I use function moudle 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' to send emails, but the program will send all pending emails in SOST. how to solve the issue?


Former Member
0 Kudos


Seems there are not function moudle to get all email, maybe you can ST05 to trace which dbtables be used in SOST.

There is a sql statement by other guys.

select a.snddat, a.msgv4, c.objdes, c.ownnam, b.rectel, f.name_last, f.name_first

from sapr3.usr21 e, sapr3.adrp f, sapr3.soos b join sapr3.soes a

      on b.rectp = a.rectp

      and b.recyr = a.recyr

      and b.recno = a.recno

join sapr3.sood c

      on b.objtp = c.objtp

      and b.objyr = c.objyr

      and b.objno = c.objno

join sapr3.sost d

      on b.rectp = d.rectp

      and b.recyr = d.recyr

      and b.recno = d.recno

where a.msgty='E'

      and a.sndart = 'FAX'

      and d.counter = ( select max( counter ) from sapr3.sost

                where rectp = b.rectp

                and recyr = b.recyr

                and recno = b.recno )

      and a.snddat >= '$date1'

      and a.snddat <= '$date2'

      and c.ownnam=e.bname

      and e.persnumber=f.persnumber

order by a.snddat



0 Kudos

The issue has been solved, thank you for your help.

0 Kudos

How do you solve this issue? Please share with us, thanks,

0 Kudos

No solution, we don't get all pending emails.

I just add wrong code to send emails immediately