2007 Aug 29 7:27 AM
iam creating a object to upload customer master data in which iam using standard program RFBIDE00.
The session name that is generated in the 13th step is name of the object name.
My requirement is to generate a session name of my own.
can anyboy help me... how to do thatt
2007 Aug 29 7:49 AM
If You observe the Target Structures in Step 4 and 5.
You have a target structure called BGR00 with a field GROUP (SESSION NAME)
Assign a Fixed value for this field BGR00-GROUP which is the Session name u want.
<b>reward if Helpful</b>.
2007 Aug 29 9:00 AM
Hi satya,
If u r using direct input method in LSMW then in create batch input session -
>after executing this step u find the Error session name there u can give ur own name.. and then when u run sm35 u have to give name what u have given in the create batch input session.
if u r using Batch input method -> in create batch input session-> give ur own name in Name of BI session(s) --->afterwards when u run, run batch input session u have to give same name what u have specified in the previous step (13th step).
in this way u can give ur own session name for which u want to maintain particular sessions in ur specified names.
Reward points if helpful.
Naveen khan
Message was edited by:
Pattan Naveen
2007 Aug 29 1:07 PM
5 BGR00 Batch Input Structure for Session Data
5 Fields
GROUP Group name: Batch input session name
Rule : Default Settings Modified
Code: concatenate 'CUSTOMER_SOG' sy-uzeit into g_groupname.
BGR00-GROUP = g_groupname.
XKEEP Indicator: Keep Batch Input Session After Processing ?
Rule : Default Settings Modified
Code: BGR00-XKEEP = 'X'.
this is the code i want to write in the fifth step......... how ?
CUSTOMER_SOG is the session name which means the session name is sold to party general data of the customer .
2007 Aug 29 1:11 PM
2007 Aug 30 7:03 AM
in case of bdc in the open_group function module we can pass the session name which u want.
in case of lsmw .. iam using Standard batch input method......
the name of the session that is generated is the object name ..
my requirement is the session name must be 'CUST_SP'..
how to meet this requirement....
there is already a object developed meeting this requirement ....
In that object the following code is written in the 5th step to meet that requirement...
BGR00 Batch Input Structure for Session Data
5 Fields
GROUP Group name: Batch input session name
Rule : Default Settings Modified
Code: concatenate 'CUSTOMER_SOG' sy-uzeit into g_groupname.
BGR00-GROUP = g_groupname.
XKEEP Indicator: Keep Batch Input Session After Processing ?
Rule : Default Settings Modified
Code: BGR00-XKEEP = 'X'.
i.e., under the BGR00 structure.. under the fields... that code is written..
I tried by placing the cursor on the fields and clicking on creating source field...
but i unable to do that.........
plz help to meet this requirement
2007 Aug 30 7:16 AM
Hi ..
You open the Conversion Program Generated in LSMW and Place this code to fill the Session Name..
2007 Aug 30 8:02 AM
how to do the following thing...
You open the Conversion Program Generated in LSMW and Place this code to fill the Session Name..
2007 Aug 30 9:49 AM
Hi satya,
Sorry satya the way which i knew is give here , except this i dont know the answer to ur question, if u come to know plz share it
just go to create batch input session (13th step) in lsmw there one parameter is there by name error session name(Direct input method)/ Bi session name( Recording method (BI method)) there u can give ur own session name and give enter, whenever ur running in foreground/background/display error method, u need to give the session name, at that time u have to give the session name which u have created with own name(this name u have to give when ever ur choosing method u want to run)
below is the way how to create our own session name---->
If u r using direct input method in LSMW then in create batch input session -
>after executing this step u find the Error session name there u can give ur own name.. and then when u run sm35 u have to give name what u have given in the create batch input session.
if u r using Batch input method -> in create batch input session-> give ur own name in Name of BI session(s) --->afterwards when u run, run batch input session u have to give same name what u have specified in the previous step (13th step).
in this way u can give ur own session name for which u want to maintain particular sessions in ur specified names.
Reward points if helpful.
Naveen khan
Message was edited by:
Pattan Naveen
2007 Aug 30 10:34 AM
hi everybody,
i want to do that in the 5th step.. nowhere else..
I have already developed program. i am uploading data using that object.
i am trying to do it for my practice..
iam unable to do that while iam trying to create that object...
everything is fine except that....
i have already posted the code...