2013 Jan 03 6:50 AM
I want to edit a field 'balance' of type 'curr' using format "write balance to ... currency ...". But the reference table is table "kblpw" (Document item amounts in different currencies). Furthermore, there's no data in table "kblpw". How can I get the reference field of type 'cuky'?
Please refer to attaching file "curr.PNG".
2013 Jan 03 7:02 AM
What is the name of this table/structure, I only found reference of KBLPW-WAERS in KBLPW itself and its include, if it is a database table did you check the foreign key relation to KBLPW which is not empty in my systems, if it is a structure did you perform some where-used search to find how it is filled ?
2013 Jan 03 7:02 AM
What is the name of this table/structure, I only found reference of KBLPW-WAERS in KBLPW itself and its include, if it is a database table did you check the foreign key relation to KBLPW which is not empty in my systems, if it is a structure did you perform some where-used search to find how it is filled ?
2013 Jan 03 7:21 AM
2013 Jan 03 7:43 AM
Check with the creator of the table, to get a correct currency code, giving an arbitrary table-field reference is not correct if the table record is not linked to a record of the reference table.