2006 Aug 07 5:38 AM
Hi All,
I need to create a sales order using BAPI BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 with Varaint confiugartions. I will get Header ITEM and variant configuration items in the flat file. Kindly help me in this regard.
One more thing, is there any way to findout all the Varaint classifications for a particular Material?
I have done the below coding. Sales order is getting created but variant configurations are not populating.
*...Configuration: Reference Data
DATA: gt_order_cfgs_ref TYPE TABLE OF bapicucfg,
wa_order_cfgs_ref TYPE bapicucfg.
*...Configuration: Instances
DATA: gt_order_cfgs_inst TYPE TABLE OF bapicuins,
wa_order_cfgs_inst TYPE bapicuins.
*...Configuration: Part-of Specifications
DATA: gt_order_cfgs_part_of TYPE TABLE OF bapicuprt,
wa_order_cfgs_part_of TYPE bapicuprt .
*...Configuration: Characteristic Values
DATA: gt_order_cfgs_value TYPE TABLE OF bapicuval,
wa_order_cfgs_value TYPE bapicuval.
*...Configuration: BLOB Internal Data (SCE)
DATA: gt_order_cfgs_blob TYPE TABLE OF bapicublb ,
wa_order_cfgs_blob TYPE bapicublb.
*...Configuration: Variant Condition Key
DATA: gt_order_cfgs_vk TYPE TABLE OF bapicuvk,
wa_order_cfgs_vk TYPE bapicuvk.
*...Configuration: Reference Item / Instance
DATA: gt_order_cfgs_refinst TYPE TABLE OF bapicuref,
wa_order_cfgs_refinst TYPE bapicuref.
*...Configuration: Reference Data
wa_order_cfgs_ref-posex = '10'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-config_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-root_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-SCE = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-CBASE_ID_TYPE = 'G'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-CONSISTENT = 'T'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-COMPLETE = 'T'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_ref TO gt_order_cfgs_ref.
*..2nd item
wa_order_cfgs_ref-posex = '20'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-config_id = '2'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-root_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-SCE = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-CBASE_ID_TYPE = 'G'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-CONSISTENT = 'T'.
wa_order_cfgs_ref-COMPLETE = 'T'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_ref TO gt_order_cfgs_ref.
*...Configuration: Instances
wa_order_cfgs_inst-config_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-inst_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-obj_type = 'MARA'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-class_type = '300'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-obj_key = '2021B'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-quantity = 1.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-PERSIST_ID_TYPE = 'G'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-CONSISTENT = 'T'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-COMPLETE = 'T'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_inst TO gt_order_cfgs_inst.
*..2nd item
wa_order_cfgs_inst-config_id = '2'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-inst_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-obj_type = 'MARA'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-class_type = '300'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-obj_key = '2021B'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-quantity = 1.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-PERSIST_ID_TYPE = 'G'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-CONSISTENT = 'T'.
wa_order_cfgs_inst-COMPLETE = 'T'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_inst TO gt_order_cfgs_inst.
*...Configuration: Characteristic Values
wa_order_cfgs_value-config_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-inst_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-charc = 'BASIC_MACHINE'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-value = 'L28'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-VALCODE = '1'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_value TO gt_order_cfgs_value.
wa_order_cfgs_value-config_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-inst_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-charc = 'BUCKET'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-value = 'PL1001'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-VALCODE = '1'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_value TO gt_order_cfgs_value.
*..2nd item
wa_order_cfgs_value-config_id = '2'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-inst_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-charc = 'BUCKET_FOC'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-value = '023OP0049'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-VALCODE = '1'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_value TO gt_order_cfgs_value.
wa_order_cfgs_value-config_id = '2'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-inst_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-charc = 'BUCKET_HOE'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-value = '028MS0004'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-VALCODE = '1'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_value TO gt_order_cfgs_value.
wa_order_cfgs_value-config_id = '2'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-inst_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-charc = 'TYRE_PRESSURE_GAUGE'.
wa_order_cfgs_value-value = '81004402'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_value TO gt_order_cfgs_value.
*...Configuration: Reference Item / Instance
wa_order_cfgs_refinst-posex = '10'.
wa_order_cfgs_refinst-config_id = '1'.
wa_order_cfgs_refinst-inst_id = '1'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_refinst TO gt_order_cfgs_refinst.
*..2nd item
wa_order_cfgs_refinst-posex = '20'.
wa_order_cfgs_refinst-config_id = '2'.
wa_order_cfgs_refinst-inst_id = '1'.
APPEND wa_order_cfgs_refinst TO gt_order_cfgs_refinst.
2006 Aug 07 11:45 AM