2007 Jan 12 9:19 AM
Hi in my ALV output the negative numbers are displayed with sign on the right side of the numbers.
Need your help to get this sign on the left side.
2007 Jan 12 9:22 AM
Declare the field as character in output table,and use
cloi_put_sign_in_front fm to make the sign on left side.
2007 Jan 12 9:22 AM
Declare the field as character in output table,and use
cloi_put_sign_in_front fm to make the sign on left side.
2007 Jan 12 9:22 AM
Try FM - CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT for the field.
Reward points if this helps.
2007 Jan 12 9:23 AM
This is from SDN thread.
When you define the fieldcatalog..
Give the rollname..
DATA: S_FIELDCATALOG TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
s_fieldcatalog-col_pos = '2'.
s_fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'NETPR'.
s_fieldcatalog-tabname = 'ITAB1'.
<b>s_fieldcatalog-rollname = 'WERTV6'.</b>
APPEND s_fieldcatalog to t_fieldcatalog.
2007 Jan 12 11:10 AM
by using Function Module 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT' for evry record u can change the sign to left.
just try it...