2006 Jul 31 11:51 PM
i would like to ask one favor i am trying to catch a checkbox event from the alv , so the question is , how can i do that ?
this the segment of code that i am using
ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CHECK'.
ls_fcat-inttype = 'C'.
ls_fcat-outputlen = '1'.
ls_fcat-coltext = 'Checkbox'.
ls_fcat-seltext = 'Checkbox'.
ls_fcat-checkbox = 'X'.
ls_fcat-edit = 'X'.
ls_fcat-auto_value = 'X'.
append ls_fcat to itfieldcat.
clear ls_fcat.
when the user give a click at the checkbox how can i save this event?
2006 Aug 01 1:59 AM