2007 Jul 19 5:56 AM
hi friends,
I have to make changes in the purchase order. i have to add tab and a field in that.
i know that badi ME_GUI_PO_CUST have to used this.
can anyone send me the code or documenation fot add a tab and field using this badi or suggest me how to do this.
if code or documenation is not available then send me the steps if possible.
my mail id is hitesh.kumar@prospectasoftware.com
hitesh kumar
2007 Jul 19 6:09 AM
1. Double-click on your implementation class
2. Click on Attributes tab
3. Add attribute SUBSCREEN1 with level Constant, visibility Public, type MEPO_NAME, initial value 'HDRSCREEN1'.
please go thourhg the below link .... in this the steps are there and the some of the standard Enchancements also there.
See this treads :
<b>Reward points</b>
2007 Jul 19 6:09 AM
1. Double-click on your implementation class
2. Click on Attributes tab
3. Add attribute SUBSCREEN1 with level Constant, visibility Public, type MEPO_NAME, initial value 'HDRSCREEN1'.
please go thourhg the below link .... in this the steps are there and the some of the standard Enchancements also there.
See this treads :
<b>Reward points</b>