2008 Mar 25 1:30 PM
How could I delete a variant of a program on production system if I have on development system (I can only transport via transport reqs to production system)
I can transport variants from DEV to PRD but I do not know how to insert deletion in a transport request
Thx in advance
2008 Mar 25 1:51 PM
- Insert the variant name into a transport request in DEV
- Delete that variant in DEV
- release the transport
- You'll probably get a return code of 4 and the message that the object (variant) does not exist in DEV and will therefore be deleted in the target system as well
- Which is what you want to achieve
2008 Mar 25 1:53 PM
when U try to delete a variant which is already released
it will ask for request.
U can transport this request .. to prod .. and when this is
transported the variant will be deleted ...