2008 Apr 23 7:16 AM
How BAPI is Better than BDC's,Please give code also.
Thanks & Regards
2008 Apr 23 7:18 AM
1.In case of bdc data transfer takes place from flat file into sap system ie the file existing in sap system to sap sytem
where is bapi's r remotly enabled function modules which are assigned to some business objects n used to transfer the data between different business partners who are using different systems other than sap.
not only that...
when you plan to upgrade your system version then bdc willnot support those upgradations where as bapi's will support.
I think i gave you some idea......
2.More important though, they are different technologies. With BDC you build the "batch input transaction" yourself, with an ABAP program which creates the "batch input session" ("Batch-Input-Mappe" in german). You then take that session, like an object, and "run" it on a system (most of the time, this is done on a local system by the administrators, after it has been tested for correctness).
With BAPI, a system (local or remote) exposes its interface to you through some kind of Remote Function Call (RFC). Practically, it tells you: "What do you want to do? Insert that data into Materials Management? Here is the function and the the parameters you have to use for each record". You only work with the Interface - the exposed function. How this function works does not have to interest you. You don't have sessions to "run", you fire your function calls filled with data, one after another and you're done.
BAPI can be run remotely. With BDC, you probably have to call the administrators of the remote system and send them the session you created for them to run. With BDC you go through the whole transaction in one BDC session, with BAPI you may need more than one "BAPI calls" to do this.
With BAPI you don't fill obcure field names with values, you just fill the parameters. You can use a BAPI from inside your ABAP program to let a "business object" do some clearly defined work for you, then you can continue with your code doing other things. You don't do this with BDC. With BDC you write a dedicated program that creates the "session", which is then executed separately
2008 Apr 23 7:20 AM
In case of bdc data transfer takes place from flat file into sap system ie the file existing in sap system to sap sytem
where is bapi's r remotly enabled function modules which are assigned to some business objects n used to transfer the data between different business partners who are using different systems other than sap.
when you plan to upgrade your system version then bdc willnot support those upgradations where as bapi's will support.
Please refer to this link
/thread/400145 [original link is broken]
BAPI is used only when it is available for the particular transaction like Delivery Sales order. but BDC can be used for any transaction which have screen and fields.
BAPI is directly updated the database instead BDC run through the screen flow.
So BAPI can't handle all the flow logic checking and enhancement put by programmer to faciliate the user requirement.
BAPI is a higher end usage for tranfering the data from SAP to non-SAP and vice-versa. for ex: if we are using VB application,where in that we want to connect to SAP and retireve the data,and then change and update the data in SAP for that purpose we can use that.
Apart from that, we can also use it for Uploading/Downloading the data from SAP to Non-SAP like BDC, provided we have an existing BAPI for that.
BAPI function modules will also do all the checks required for data integrity like Transactions for BDC.
There is one more advantage using BAPI instead of BDC. When we go for upgradation, there might be pozzibility to change the screen elements for transactions depending on the requirement. In that case,our BDC pgm may or may not work (depending on the screen changes they have made). Unless and until we prepare new BDC we cant use the old BDC pgm. But in BAPI, SAP promises that they are going to keep the old BAPI and for new functionality they will provide an upgraded BAPI. Until we write a new BAPI pgm, we can use the exisitng BAPI pgm.
Kiran Sure
2008 Apr 23 7:21 AM
This link http://www.erpgenie.com/abap/bapi/example.htm will give u step by step procedure to create BAPI with example. Find below some points on BAPI and BDC.
BDC is traditional way of coding the transactions for uploading the legacy data, Sap is changing all transactions to Object oriented programming. Since BAPI is Object based and supports all the new transactions it is preffered over BDC. More over BAPI's process data faster than BDC.
BAPI is a SAP-supplied function module with a defined interface, which allows you to interact with various business objects. SAP guarantees the integrity of your database for anything updated using a BAPI. BDC is a method of driving screens programatically, for updating SAP data. BAPIs are generally faster than BDCs.
A BAPI is faster because it is updating the DB "directly". Whereas BDC with call
transaction goes through the whole screen sequence like any user would do, simply put, fills screens.
However - there is not always a BAPI for a particular transaction and not all functions that are performed by a transaction can be done by a BAPI. BDCs produce error sessions which can be processed by the user, while BAPIs don't.
First choose the BAPI ,if there is no BAPI go for BDC.
why BAPI first not BDC.
SAP comes up with Change in Version, so each and every time they will change the screens/number etc.
so you have to change your BDC programs accordingly.
and also Most of the Latest versions transactions are Enjoy Transaction. they will not support BDC's in Background.
But Using BAPI's No such disadvantages.
A BAPI is faster because it is updating the DB "directly" through ABAP code.
A BDC with call transaction goes through the whole screen sequence like any user would do, simply put, it is filling screens.
Actually it depends on your requirement but BAPI is more effective as it is standard function module to update SAP databases rather than BDC.
using bdc over bapi has advantages and also disadvantages
1. using bdc we can upload data into database tables using 2 ways
1. foreground
means that user interaction is there for each and every record.
2. back ground -
no user interaction and tasks are done automatically.
using these two options is one of the greatest advantage over bapi.
2. in bdc call transaction method we can control the display of screen resolution which is not possible with bapi's
3. bdc is generally used for transferring of large amount of data than bapi's
4.session method of bdc allows us to place data directly in application server and then finally transfered into sap database tables
1.bdc is only used for sap to sap system data transferring
2. bapis's generally works more faster than bdc's
3. using bapis we can connect to remote systems and also to non sap systems.
Reward if helpful
2008 Apr 23 7:27 AM
BAPI is a higher end usage for tranfering the data from SAP to non-SAP and vice-versa. for ex: if we are using VB application,where in that we want to connect to SAP and retireve the data,and then change and update the data in SAP for that purpose we can use that.
Apart from that, we can also use it for Uploading/Downloading the data from SAP to Non-SAP like BDC, provided we have an existing BAPI for that.
BAPI function modules will also do all the checks required for data integrity like Transactions for BDC.
There is one more advantage using BAPI instead of BDC. When we go for upgradation, there might be pozzibility to change the screen elements for transactions depending on the requirement. In that case,our BDC pgm may or may not work (depending on the screen changes they have made). Unless and until we prepare new BDC we cant use the old BDC pgm. But in BAPI, SAP promises that they are going to keep the old BAPI and for new functionality they will provide an upgraded BAPI. Until we write a new BAPI pgm, we can use the exisitng BAPI pgm.
Please reward point if helpful.
2008 Apr 23 7:29 AM
BAPI is a SAP supplied function module with a defined interface, which allows you to interact with various business objects. SAP guarantees the integrity of your database for anything updated using a BAPI. BDC is a method of driving screens programatically, for updating SAP data. BAPIs are generally faster than BDCs.
A BAPI is faster because it is updating the DB "directly". Whereas BDC with call
transaction goes through the whole screen sequence like any user would do, simply put, fills screens.
Refer the links -
2008 Apr 23 7:31 AM
BAPI's always better than BDC because:
1)BAPI directly update the database instead through th screen flow.
2)BAPI support version upgrades...so need to worry about our previous uploads.
3)BAPI is a fast data trasnfer techinique.
4)Using BAPI we can acess data from non sap also..
Reward if useful.