2008 Apr 21 8:43 AM
I need to run a batch report in background in SM36 when any cancellation of sales order is done in VL09.
i.e when a cancellation of sales order is done i have to run a batch report which will call an IDOC outbound generation function module that will create the IDOC.....
Please tell me how to do this.....
2008 Apr 21 10:27 AM
You can submit ur report in the concerned program in a background mode using the following syntax.
Call Function 'Job_Open'.
SUBMIT <report name>
WITH <input variants>
USER sy-uname
VIA JOB <job name>
If sysubrc eq 0.
Call Function 'Job_Close'.
Reward if helpfull.
2008 Apr 21 10:37 AM
To submit backgroud jobs.
Call Function 'Job_Open'.
SUBMIT <report name>
WITH <input variants>
USER sy-uname
VIA JOB <job name>
If sysubrc eq 0.
Call Function 'Job_Close'.
Reward if helpfull.