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help on document_main02 implementation

0 Kudos

Hi Experts, I need help  regarding document_main02 badi implementation. i have implemented this badi for menu option. based on menu option i ahve to call my custome screen where i can upload pdf file and split that file into multiple pdf files, once complete this activity i come back to screen 101 here i need to place all the file in Original tab in one shot. In this badi one parameter is docfiles with this  i can pass multiple files but thing is along with docufiles i have to pass draw structure to open file on original tab. bcoz of this structure draw  i have to cal my custom screen to place every splitted pdf file.. but requirement is not like that i need to placee all the files in one shot. could anybody help on this....


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Hi Any help on this....?:<

0 Kudos


what ? this is a full specific transaction ? did you speak about standard ? 

do you already splited your PDF ?  if yes I'm sure you could join-it .. no ?



0 Kudos

Hi, Thank u very much for reply... Yes i splitted pdf into no of pdf files...i want to place these pdf files on the std screen 101 original tab once come back std screen 101..Please help on this...

0 Kudos

I'm sorry but I really don't understand your problem. Maybe go step by step.

what did you want to do at first ?

do you have screenshot ?

0 Kudos

Fine... I explain my problem again... I have to provide menu option like split and save, once user click on this option i have to call custome screen attached screen shot and then here i split  this main file into number of pdf files lke a.pdf, b.pdf, c.pdf ......after this activity i clck on back button on my custom screen to go standard screen 0101 where i provide menu option. once i come back to 0101 screen all my splitted files should be attached to original tab of standard screen 0101. how can i do using document_main02 badi.. Please help on this. i could attched one splitted pdf file to original tab by click on split and save menu option and come back to standard screen 0101. i can attach only one file in  this activity but i want ot attach all splitted files in one activity

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Any help on this please........

0 Kudos

Hi Experts, help on this.....