2007 Mar 01 8:15 PM
Hi to all
I'd like to ask for your help in such a case:
I've generated (via BDBG) inbound and outbound FM, based on my BAPI FM. During IDOC processing I need to know number of IDOC which my BAPI currently porecesses. I coud modify inbound INPUT_* function which calls my BAPI, but it is generated therefore strongly not recommended to be modified. Any ideas how to pass this information?
I've been thinking about some global communication areas (sth. like GET/SET), but it's likely that system will process in few paralell threads which make synchronization, timing and many other problems with that approach.
Any help will by appreciated
Maciej Gottfried
2007 Mar 01 8:47 PM
Why don't use FM IDOC_INBOUND_WRITE_TO_DB or IDOC_INBOUND_SINGLE to process the IDoc data instead of calling FM IDOC_INPUT_*?
These FM will return the IDoc number for inbound process.
Ferry Lianto
2007 Mar 02 7:57 AM
I'm not calling this FM manually, IDOCs are processed immediately as they appear and mechanism is standard.
2007 Mar 02 7:59 AM
Check the IDOCINPUT function module for some user exits and capture the idoc number.
2007 Mar 02 8:00 AM