2007 Feb 28 10:03 AM
I'm trying to get information about specific field in VB6 but when the field is consists of characters in hebrew, I'm not getting data.
The Code is:
Dim oSBObob As SAPbobsCOM.SBObob
Dim oRecStock As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset
Dim str As String
Set oSBObob = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoBridge)
Set oRecStock = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoRecordset)
str = "Select OnHand from OITW where ItemCode = 'בנק'"
oRecStock.DoQuery (str)
I am getting oRecStock.EOF = true although the record exists.
but when the string is :
str = "Select OnHand from OITW where ItemCode = 'ABC'"
, I am getting results.
What is the reason, Why there is difference between the languages and what can I do in order to solve this?
2007 Feb 28 10:07 AM
You might a bit lost, because it is an ABAP forum and not VB6 forum.
In the main SAP tables the values are stored as ABC, and not like the way you wrote it in hebrew. Every text object has its transalation, but in different tables, than the main data tables.
Depends on your SAP system is unicode or not, you have to access them in different ways.
2007 Mar 01 6:03 AM
Thanks for your answer but I still don't know how to access those object.
Perhaps you can direct me to someting that couls help me.