2020 Mar 06 8:38 AM
Hii Expert Sap
Please, Help me my general attribute smatforms no view normal
2020 Mar 07 1:52 PM
In your screenshot, the text editor is missing (it can be deduced that you use the obsolete text editor, also known as "PC editor", now named "SAPscript Legacy Text Editor", because of the presence of fields "Paragraph formats" and "Display formats"; this obsolete text editor is not provided anymore since SAPGUI 7.50). That symptom is explained and solved in the KBA 2784424 - It shows blank screen when using SAPscript Legacy Text Editor on GUI 7.60:
Concerning the display of the message TD260 ("It is not possible to display formats for selected areas"), it happens only if the SAP setting points to the SAPscript Legacy Text Editor but the control is not provided with SAP GUI (or is incorrectly installed, or if it's an old version installed), and after you have clicked the button "Display Formats" (shown in the toolbar of your screenshot).
2020 Mar 06 8:47 AM
Please check what is the smartstyle attached to this smartform
In your screen shot it is showing paragraph format as *Left and Character format as A1.
Check these styles are mentioned inthat smartstyle.
That smartstyle may not have this style (Left , A1)
2020 Mar 06 8:59 AM
2020 Mar 06 9:06 AM
Hi fuadasyhary,
after upgrade to 7.60 install "SAP_GUI_SCRIPT_LEGACY_Editor" this will solve the issue..
2020 Mar 06 10:09 AM
2020 Mar 07 1:09 AM
hii abishankar
i don't have account lauched sap can you give me link download SAP_GUI_SCRIPT_LEGACY_Editor please
2020 Mar 07 8:42 AM
The message "it is not possible to display formats for selected areas" is an information message (please click the "?" information button and provide the extended text). What happens if you just skip it?
2020 Mar 07 1:52 PM
In your screenshot, the text editor is missing (it can be deduced that you use the obsolete text editor, also known as "PC editor", now named "SAPscript Legacy Text Editor", because of the presence of fields "Paragraph formats" and "Display formats"; this obsolete text editor is not provided anymore since SAPGUI 7.50). That symptom is explained and solved in the KBA 2784424 - It shows blank screen when using SAPscript Legacy Text Editor on GUI 7.60:
Concerning the display of the message TD260 ("It is not possible to display formats for selected areas"), it happens only if the SAP setting points to the SAPscript Legacy Text Editor but the control is not provided with SAP GUI (or is incorrectly installed, or if it's an old version installed), and after you have clicked the button "Display Formats" (shown in the toolbar of your screenshot).