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function module

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i want to know abt function module in detail can any body tell me or can tell the perfect site for that can u plz tell me


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Function Modules are Global ABAP programs created by SAP for reusable purpose. They have IMPORT, EXPORT and TABLE parameters, and EXCEPTIONS to through when error occurs.

You can create them from TCode SE37.

Go through the following doc:

Function modules are cross-program, reusable procedures that are organized into function groups, and whose functions are implemented between the statements FUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION. Function modules and their interfaces are created in the Function Builder.

Function Module Interfaces

The parameter interface of a function module is defined in the Function Builder. It includes the definition of interface parameters and the specification of exceptions that can be triggered by a function module. The Function Builder automatically generates comment lines below the FUNCTION statement in the source code of the function module, which represent the interface of the function module with the following syntax:


... [IMPORTING parameters]

[EXPORTING parameters]

[CHANGING parameters]

[TABLES table_parameters]

[{RAISING|EXCEPTIONS} exc1 exc2 ...]

The syntax and semantics of IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING, RAISING, and EXCEPTIONS mainly correspond to the definition of method interfaces with [CLASS-]METHODS. The additional option of defining table parameters using TABLES is obsolete.

Interface parameters

The interface parameters are defined on the relevant tab pages in the Function Builder.

IMPORTING parameters are input parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input parameter. The content of the actual parameter is passed to the input parameter when the call is made. The content of an input parameter for which 'pass by reference' is defined cannot be changed in the function module.

EXPORTING parameters are output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter can be specified for every output parameter. The content of an output parameter that is defined for 'pass by value' is transferred to the actual parameter if the function module is completed without errors. An output parameter that is defined for pass by reference is not initialized when the function module is called.

CHANGING parameters are input and output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input or output parameter. When the function module is called, the content of the actual parameter is passed to the input/output parameter, and when the function module is completed, the content of the input/output parameter is passed to the actual parameter.

TABLES parameters are table parameters. Table parameters are obsolete CHANGING parameters that are typed as standard tables with a header line. If an internal table without a header line or a table body is passed as an actual parameter to a formal parameter of this type, an empty local header line is generated in the function module. If an internal table with a header line is used as an actual parameter, both the table body and the header line are passed to the function module. Pass by value is not possible in formal parameters defined using TABLES. Formal parameters defined with TABLES can be replaced by formal parameters defined with CHANGING. A local work area can be created for the internal table in the function module by using the addition LIKE LINE OF itab of the DATA statement.


The exceptions of a function module are defined on the Exceptions tab page in the Function Builder. Here you can select exception classes to define whether class-based exceptions are declared or non-class-based exception is defined. Class-based exceptions are represented in the above syntax by RAISING, and non-class-based exceptions are represented by EXCEPTIONS.


1)In U ABAP Editor --> Click "Patter" ---> Selection Option Button "Call Function"

--> Write the Corresponding FM name --> Hit Enter

2)The appropriate import ,export Parameters will be displayed in ur editor

3)Pass the Values Here.

Check this link:

Hope this resolves your query.




0 Kudos


Function Modules are Global ABAP programs created by SAP for reusable purpose. They have IMPORT, EXPORT and TABLE parameters, and EXCEPTIONS to through when error occurs.

You can create them from TCode SE37.

Go through the following doc:

Function modules are cross-program, reusable procedures that are organized into function groups, and whose functions are implemented between the statements FUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION. Function modules and their interfaces are created in the Function Builder.

Function Module Interfaces

The parameter interface of a function module is defined in the Function Builder. It includes the definition of interface parameters and the specification of exceptions that can be triggered by a function module. The Function Builder automatically generates comment lines below the FUNCTION statement in the source code of the function module, which represent the interface of the function module with the following syntax:


... [IMPORTING parameters]

[EXPORTING parameters]

[CHANGING parameters]

[TABLES table_parameters]

[{RAISING|EXCEPTIONS} exc1 exc2 ...]

The syntax and semantics of IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING, RAISING, and EXCEPTIONS mainly correspond to the definition of method interfaces with [CLASS-]METHODS. The additional option of defining table parameters using TABLES is obsolete.

Interface parameters

The interface parameters are defined on the relevant tab pages in the Function Builder.

IMPORTING parameters are input parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input parameter. The content of the actual parameter is passed to the input parameter when the call is made. The content of an input parameter for which 'pass by reference' is defined cannot be changed in the function module.

EXPORTING parameters are output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter can be specified for every output parameter. The content of an output parameter that is defined for 'pass by value' is transferred to the actual parameter if the function module is completed without errors. An output parameter that is defined for pass by reference is not initialized when the function module is called.

CHANGING parameters are input and output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input or output parameter. When the function module is called, the content of the actual parameter is passed to the input/output parameter, and when the function module is completed, the content of the input/output parameter is passed to the actual parameter.

TABLES parameters are table parameters. Table parameters are obsolete CHANGING parameters that are typed as standard tables with a header line. If an internal table without a header line or a table body is passed as an actual parameter to a formal parameter of this type, an empty local header line is generated in the function module. If an internal table with a header line is used as an actual parameter, both the table body and the header line are passed to the function module. Pass by value is not possible in formal parameters defined using TABLES. Formal parameters defined with TABLES can be replaced by formal parameters defined with CHANGING. A local work area can be created for the internal table in the function module by using the addition LIKE LINE OF itab of the DATA statement.


The exceptions of a function module are defined on the Exceptions tab page in the Function Builder. Here you can select exception classes to define whether class-based exceptions are declared or non-class-based exception is defined. Class-based exceptions are represented in the above syntax by RAISING, and non-class-based exceptions are represented by EXCEPTIONS.


1)In U ABAP Editor --> Click "Patter" ---> Selection Option Button "Call Function"

--> Write the Corresponding FM name --> Hit Enter

2)The appropriate import ,export Parameters will be displayed in ur editor

3)Pass the Values Here.

Check this link:

Hope this resolves your query.



Former Member
0 Kudos

<b>Function Modules for creating programs (Useful when you are generating programs)</b>

RS_PROGRAM_CHECK_NAME : To check program names if you are generating them.

RS_CORR_INSERT : To insert the correction request in the repository.

REPS_OBJECT_ACTIVATE : To activate repository objects, for example - to activate a newly generated program.

RS_DELETE_PROGRAM : To delete the program.

RS_ACCESS_PERMISSION : To lock or unlock a program.

<b>Function Modules related to Date and Time Calculations</b>

CALCULATE_DATE : Calculates the future date based on the input .

DATE_TO_DAY : Returns the Day for the entered date.

DATE_COMPUTE_DAY : Returns weekday for a date

DATE_GET_WEEK : Returns week for a date

DAY_ATTRIBUTES_GET : Returns attributes for a range of dates specified

MONTHS_BETWEEN_TWO_DATES : To get the number of months between the two dates.

END_OF_MONTH_DETERMINE_2 : Determines the End of a Month.

HR_HK_DIFF_BT_2_DATES : Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.

FIMA_DAYS_AND_MONTHS_AND_YEARS : Find the difference between two dates in years, months and days.

MONTH_NAMES_GET : Get the names of the month

WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY : Get the first day of the week

HRGPBS_HESA_DATE_FORMAT : Format the date in dd/mm/yyyy format

SD_CALC_DURATION_FROM_DATETIME : Find the difference between two date/time and report the difference in hours

L_MC_TIME_DIFFERENCE : Find the time difference between two date/time

HR_99S_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_DATES : Difference between two dates in days, weeks, months

LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS : Returns the last day of the month

<b>Function Modules Related To Formatting</b>

CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT : Displays the negative sign in front of the numeral

RKD_WORD_WRAP : Wrap text into several lines

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT : Pad zeros to the number at the left

CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT : Eliminate zeros to the number at the left

<b>Function Modules Related To Dialog Prompts</b>

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM : Displays a popup dialog with a user defined message for confirmation

POPUP_TO_GET_VALUE : Displays a popup dialog requesting a value for a particular table-fieldname

SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR : Displays a progress bar with text to denote the percentage of completion and status

FILENAME_GET : Displays a popup dialog to get the presentation server filename

F4_DATE : Displays a popup dialog to choose date

GUI_UPLOAD : Upload a file from the presentation server

POPUP_TO_SELECT_MONTH : Display a pop-up to select a month

<b>Function modules related to RFC communication</b>

RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE : Close a RFC connection

RFC_GET_SYSTEM_INFO : Give system's information of a remote system

Function modules related to reading/writing files

FILE_READ_AND_CONVERT_SAP_DATA: Uploads the file from either presentation or application server into an internal table

<b>Function Modules related to sending emails</b>

SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1 - Sends emails with texts and attachments

SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 - Sends emails with texts.

<b>Function Modules related to F4 Help</b>

F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST - F4 help also returning the value to be displayed in internal table

<b>Rewards point if helpful[/b



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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chk out all the links from this..



*reward points if useful...