2007 Mar 23 2:55 PM
Hi. Can someone show me some code that uses this FM. im trying to use it but im having a litlle trouble in the DOCTAB_ARCHIVE parameter.
2007 Mar 23 3:10 PM
2007 Mar 23 3:10 PM
2007 Mar 23 3:10 PM
Wat exactly is the problem youare facing.
i guess you also can use convert_OTF FM if you are converting the output of the form into PDf format.
2007 Mar 23 4:59 PM
I allready tried that one but the pdf comes with errors..... and i cant solved it...
can someone explain me what the doctab_archive argument is?
Message was edited by:
joao martins
2007 Mar 23 5:40 PM
check this out: