2020 Jan 09 2:40 PM
SPELL_AMOUNT refers to T015Z for Amount to Word conversion. Need help :
to know if Language 'HINDI(HI) is supported.
If Yes, need help with entries to be added to T015Z via OBA9
2020 Jan 21 8:27 AM
Check how your system is configured with transaction i18n
if you have Hindi in the list, this table should be populated correctly
2020 Jan 21 8:55 AM
According to SAP note 939145 - SPELL_AMOUNT: What it can do and what it can't it seems that Hindi is not supported.
This does not mean that it is impossible to reuse the code, but I really cannot tell, considering my lack of knowledge on how numbers and amounts are composed in Hindi and the grammar, of course. For example, for Chinese there is a separate FM because of how decimal amounts should be presented.