2009 Dec 23 5:34 AM
Hi All,
The filter button in ALV Grid is not working for some fields. if the filter button is selected for a particular field in the ALV grid then no entries are getting displayed in the ALV. For few fields it is working. for few fields is it not displaying any entries after selecting filter.
Please let me know what may be the possible causes for this issue.
Thanks in Advance!
Thanks & Regards,
Preethi G
2009 Dec 23 5:39 AM
Just check the Data type of the fields....
data type should same as that is there in the table....
2009 Dec 23 5:59 AM
The data types are correctly declared in the final table that is passed to the FM and also the value in the fileter is also correct.
Please let me know how to proceed further on this.
Thanks & Regards,
Preethi G
Edited by: Preethi Gurramkonda on Dec 23, 2009 6:59 AM
Edited by: Preethi Gurramkonda on Dec 23, 2009 7:08 AM
2009 Dec 23 6:18 AM
Hi All,
The fields that are declared as Chars the problem is there. for other fields that declared as data dictionary types the problem is not there. Please let em know how to handle this.
Thanks in Advance!
Thanks & Regards,
Preethi G
2009 Dec 23 6:36 AM
declare all data types as there in the data dictionary..
dnt mention explicitly...
2009 Dec 23 5:39 AM
you might not be passing the correct value to the filter.. copy the exact value and paste
2009 Dec 23 6:21 AM
Hi Preethi Gurramkonda,
I also faced same problem long back...
Filter will not work for the fields for which values are in lower case letter...
Solution :
Before passing internal table to ALV Grid ,Change the values for those columns to UPPER CASE...
Filter will work then...
Hope it will solve your problem..
Thanks & Regards
ilesh 24x7
ilesh Nandaniya
2009 Dec 23 6:55 AM
Hi ,
As suggested converted the lower case field values to upper case. still the filter is not displaying the entries in the ALV.
Please let em know any other settings i need to do at field catalog level.
Thanks & Regards,
Preethi G
2009 Dec 23 8:53 AM
After converting the lower case characters to upper case, the filter has worked .
However in the F4 help in the filter, it is not displaying all the characters of the field values.
Please let me know how to solve this issue.
Many Thanks!
Thanks & Regards,
Preethi G
2009 Dec 23 8:57 AM
Hi Preethi Gurramkonda,
Please refer below SAP Note 381360
[SAP Note 381360 : For Filter issues and solution|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/381360]
Also check out below SAP Notes
212869 - ALV filter: Incorrect output length on filter popup
174840 - ALV-filter: F4-help with smaller column width
Hope it will solve your problem..
Thanks & Regards
ilesh 24x7
ilesh Nandaniya
2010 Feb 12 6:38 AM
try putting '*' after u enter field value in filter. it works.
2011 Dec 14 6:25 AM
2015 Sep 25 8:20 AM
Or, in the Field Catalog for that particluar field check the LowerCase field.
2010 Feb 12 6:34 AM
I have the same problem thats u have.........and i resolve it.........plz paste ur code here where u having the problem so that i help u to resolve ur problem............!
Muhammad Fawad
2010 Feb 24 6:59 AM
Hello Friends,
Here I do have the same problem with the filter.Could you pls paste the code to resolve the issue.
If i use "*' after the search value then I'm getting the desired results.But Users need this functionality with out ''*
Thanks in Advance..
2013 Apr 17 9:07 AM
in the fieldcatalog it should be of type character and should have the output length defined.
2013 Apr 17 9:26 AM
Ex: your output is something like this
1 2 3
4 2 5
5 3 6
When you filter B for value 2, then internally it creates one more internal table like this
1 002 3
4 002 5
5 003 6
it tries to matches value 2 to 002 and it fails to retrive the record.
The solution is try to do the conversion exit on the column/field you are trying to filter it. It will work.
2015 Sep 25 8:00 AM
In alv grid, if you pass any CSTRING type columns to outtab then filter functionality is not working. In this case you should pass the filter value with pattern(*).
In most cases we are facing this problem for columns which have ALPHA conversion exit.
I think the solution is to make sure that the alv outtab should not have any string type columns.
2016 Feb 22 4:27 PM
I had a similar error with ALV OO
The solution was indicate the correct length of the field in the definition of the object catalog.
The symptom was that popup window don't show the correct length of the field.
2016 Sep 08 12:02 PM
Hi Preethi,
I am using ALV grid (CL_GUI_ALV_GRID->SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY) and I was facing the similar problem, however I was able to solve this issue. Please look into this it might help you.
2. If you are not passing LVC_S_FCAT-LOWERCASE as 'X' you can put * after the filter values in the selection criteria.
Thanks and regards,