2007 Dec 20 9:21 PM
1.can field attributes be modified with transaction varients
2.can customer programms be invoked
2007 Dec 21 3:16 AM
you can modify screen field attributes at AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT method...
by looping at SCREEN and modifying the screen field parameters...
and to invoke custom report there are 2 methods (condition is that the report must be executable)
1. call transaction (create a tcode for the report)
2. submit
2007 Dec 21 3:16 AM
you can modify screen field attributes at AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT method...
by looping at SCREEN and modifying the screen field parameters...
and to invoke custom report there are 2 methods (condition is that the report must be executable)
1. call transaction (create a tcode for the report)
2. submit