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FB02 Simulation mode

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi folks,

I am trying to modify a set of documents from a file, but the requirement exacts a simulation or 'test run' mode for the process befor going into 'real' mode. The modification is made using a bdc 'call transaction' to the FB02. This transaction doesn't have the 'Simulate' or 'Check' options like the FB01. The question is:

Is there a way to perform a preliminary check in this transaction? or is there a FM to perform the same operation which includes this functionality?

Thanks a lot,



Active Contributor
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a bit primitive I know but you could call FB02 without passing the 'save' function but just hit enter and back. That way you could capture any basic error messages that FB02 would provide, eg document does not exist etc.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

a bit primitive I know but you could call FB02 without passing the 'save' function but just hit enter and back. That way you could capture any basic error messages that FB02 would provide, eg document does not exist etc.

Former Member
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in this case , you can write a BDC which will take same steps as the real one except pressing <b>Save button</b>. You can <b>back out and exit tran</b>saction at that point. By that time, you reach to the stage when you are ready to save, it will carry out at least primilary checks.

Of course there are somethings that will show up at save time only, but it is good for primilary checking.

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I dont think there is anything to check that. May be you can try to create a new document with the same details(or just with the new additions) using FM BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_CHECK/POST and see if it returns any errors. This way, you may be able to filter some errors.


Former Member
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I think Neil's and Sharad's way are the only way you can do this. Bear in mind however, that pressing the back or cancel key quite often gives an error in batch input. But since you are only changing documents there's not much harm you can do. The test run won't do much more than ensure that the batch input session works.


Former Member
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Thank you very much for your replies, I am currently implementing the solution and will let you know how it goes...