2007 Jul 21 2:45 PM
DEAR all,
i have two paramters
1) material number
2) material element.
in selection screen when i select material number then it must show element of that selected material automatically.
for a single material i have multiple element.
point is assured ******
2007 Jul 21 2:59 PM
hi rich
nice to meet you.
see its actully ztable i have one filed zcapno and second filed is zasset.
for example
for single zcapno
i have 11 entries in zasset .
i.e zcapno = '002'.
zasset =BATA_11_AC
zasset =BATA_11_IT
zasset =BATA_11_BPI
zasset =BATA_11_BPI
2007 Jul 21 2:49 PM
2007 Jul 21 2:58 PM
Not sure where this element is, but in this example, I'm building a listbox for the WERKS field based on the material which is entered. You must enter the material number and hit enter, then the listbox will have the associated plants.
report zrich_0001.
type-pools: vrm.
data: ivrm_values type vrm_values.
data: xvrm_values like line of ivrm_values.
data: name type vrm_id.
parameters: p_matnr type mara-matnr.
parameters: p_werks as listbox visible length 20.
at selection-screen output.
perform build_listbox.
* FORM build_listbox *
* ........ *
form build_listbox.
* now build the listbox
name = 'P_WERKS'.
refresh ivrm_values.
data: imarc type table of marc with header line.
select * into table imarc from marc where matnr = p_matnr.
loop at imarc.
xvrm_values-key = imarc-werks.
xvrm_values-text = imarc-werks.
append xvrm_values to ivrm_values.
call function 'VRM_SET_VALUES'
id = name
values = ivrm_values.
Is this what you are interested in?
RIch Heilman
2007 Jul 21 2:59 PM
hi rich
nice to meet you.
see its actully ztable i have one filed zcapno and second filed is zasset.
for example
for single zcapno
i have 11 entries in zasset .
i.e zcapno = '002'.
zasset =BATA_11_AC
zasset =BATA_11_IT
zasset =BATA_11_BPI
zasset =BATA_11_BPI
2007 Jul 21 3:11 PM
2007 Jul 21 3:16 PM
hi rich,
perfect solution its working.
thanks i have given 10 point to you.