2020 Nov 17 10:00 AM
Hi All,
For first sales order I didn't get any error. But when I tried to create another sales in same session I am getting this error for when BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT is executed. When I check in ST22 got the below error analysis.
While debugging, I got to know that, in internal table DA_XVBFAI has first created sales order data and new sales order data. So it is getting dump. I went through so many pages but didn't the answer, Please hep.
2020 Nov 17 10:50 AM
You could
2020 Nov 17 10:39 AM
Since the header information in BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 is not a table but a structure, I'd say you can only use it to create ONE order for every commit cycle.
To create a second order, after the first commit set the data for the new order and again call BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 with commit.
2020 Nov 17 10:50 AM
You could
2020 Nov 17 11:34 AM
Function module SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_INIT works for me. Thank you.