2007 May 19 8:59 AM
Hi All,
I need to perform some action just after selection in standard search-help on SELECTION-SCREEN with PARAMETERS.
But I get the event AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON BLOCK myblock. only after I press [Enter].
Can somebody tell me which event shall I use if I need to process something after selection in search-help? Or it is the only way to use .. VALUE-REQUEST FOR .. with making and calling search-help by yourself.
2007 May 19 9:47 AM
<b>Check this program once.. It may help u ..
Just copy , paste and execute this program..</b>
parameters: p_bukrs type t001-bukrs,
p_butxt type t001-butxt,
p_ort01 type t001-ort01,
p_land1 type t001-land1.
data: dynfields type table of dynpread with header line.
data: return type table of ddshretval with header line.
<b>at selection-screen on value-request for p_bukrs.</b>
call function 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST'
tabname = 'T001'
fieldname = 'BUKRS'
dynpprog = sy-cprog
dynpnr = sy-dynnr
dynprofield = 'P_BUKRS'
return_tab = return
field_not_found = 1
no_help_for_field = 2
inconsistent_help = 3
no_values_found = 4
others = 5.
refresh dynfields.
read table return with key fieldname = 'P_BUKRS'.
Add it back to the dynpro.
dynfields-fieldname = return-retfield.
dynfields-fieldvalue = return-fieldval.
append dynfields.
Get the company code from db and add to dynpro
data: xt001 type t001.
clear xt001.
select single * into xt001
from t001
where bukrs = return-fieldval.
dynfields-fieldname = 'P_BUTXT'.
dynfields-fieldvalue = xt001-butxt.
append dynfields.
dynfields-fieldname = 'P_ORT01'.
dynfields-fieldvalue = xt001-ort01.
append dynfields.
dynfields-fieldname = 'P_LAND1'.
dynfields-fieldvalue = xt001-land1.
append dynfields.
Update the dynpro values.
call function 'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE'
dyname = sy-cprog
dynumb = sy-dynnr
dynpfields = dynfields
others = 8.
sai ramesh
2007 May 19 9:47 AM
<b>Check this program once.. It may help u ..
Just copy , paste and execute this program..</b>
parameters: p_bukrs type t001-bukrs,
p_butxt type t001-butxt,
p_ort01 type t001-ort01,
p_land1 type t001-land1.
data: dynfields type table of dynpread with header line.
data: return type table of ddshretval with header line.
<b>at selection-screen on value-request for p_bukrs.</b>
call function 'F4IF_FIELD_VALUE_REQUEST'
tabname = 'T001'
fieldname = 'BUKRS'
dynpprog = sy-cprog
dynpnr = sy-dynnr
dynprofield = 'P_BUKRS'
return_tab = return
field_not_found = 1
no_help_for_field = 2
inconsistent_help = 3
no_values_found = 4
others = 5.
refresh dynfields.
read table return with key fieldname = 'P_BUKRS'.
Add it back to the dynpro.
dynfields-fieldname = return-retfield.
dynfields-fieldvalue = return-fieldval.
append dynfields.
Get the company code from db and add to dynpro
data: xt001 type t001.
clear xt001.
select single * into xt001
from t001
where bukrs = return-fieldval.
dynfields-fieldname = 'P_BUTXT'.
dynfields-fieldvalue = xt001-butxt.
append dynfields.
dynfields-fieldname = 'P_ORT01'.
dynfields-fieldvalue = xt001-ort01.
append dynfields.
dynfields-fieldname = 'P_LAND1'.
dynfields-fieldvalue = xt001-land1.
append dynfields.
Update the dynpro values.
call function 'DYNP_VALUES_UPDATE'
dyname = sy-cprog
dynumb = sy-dynnr
dynpfields = dynfields
others = 8.
sai ramesh
2007 May 19 2:13 PM
2007 May 19 3:15 PM
>> Sai ramesh
Yes, it is possible solution you gave me, but my question was is it possible to handle the event with standard simple search-help I already have in my Dict.Objects?
>>Sudheer Kumar Vakkalagadda
Also not working in my case .. "This event is executed at PBO of the selection screen every time the user presses ENTER". It`s not what I need, sorry.
So, thinking I have to use F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST.