2007 Jul 20 10:50 AM
Hi Guys,
We have one critical requirement for transaction code -- MC94
<b>Requirement -
When the T.Code MC94 is executed. The sales persons input all the parameters pertaining to them in this screen and the transaction is executed. When executed, this calls for MC94 where all these parameters are transferred. When the sales persons are entering the value for Sold-to-Party, <b>He will get only relevant sold-to-party are entered beforehand. not all</b>
Parameters like planning type, company code can be made constant. If the sales person is dealing with customer that belong to only a particular customer group, even this can also be made a constant.
The version that a sales person goes into to give the forecast figures will always be the latest inactive version.
Please send me your view ASAP
Point will be awarded for suitable answers.
With Regards
2007 Jul 20 12:33 PM
Check the following Enhancments for MC94
MCP20026 Planning hierarchy tool: Enhancement of characteristics
MCP20025 User Exit for Saving Forecasts
MCP20024 User-Exit for Inputing forecast parameters
MCP20023 User Exit for Checking Duplicate Char. Combinations
MCP20022 User Exit for Displaying Forecast Results
MCP20021 User exit for modifying parameter when transferring f.reqts
MCP20020 User exit for reading info structure when transferring reqts
MCP20018 User Exit for Enhancing a Level of a Planning Hierarchy
MCP20017 User Exit for Influencing Key Figure Block
MCP20015 User exit to set the field names material/plant PBED
MCP20014 User Exit for Changing Line Text
MCP20013 User Exit for Once-Only Change to Planning Table
MCP20012 User Exit for Excluding Function Codes
MCP20011 User Exit for Processing Data Records to be Updated
MCP20010 OTB check in the purchase order
MCP20009 Extrapolation of Invoiced Sales for OTB
MCP20008 Order processing treatment from IDocs
MCP20007 User Exit for Customer-Defined F4 - Value Request Control
MCP20006 Exit for processing header info for download in Excel
MCP20005 User exit for authorization check in planning
MCP20004 SOP: design header information for flexible planning
MCP20003 SOP: create function code for flexible planning
MCP20001 User exit to read external data for planning table
<b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>