2008 Nov 20 9:25 AM
Hi Gurus,
In my reqirement i'm creating new vendor, after saving vendor a pop-up screen will come, in that pop-up screen some custom fields are there, After user enter the values on the custom fields i want to insert values of the fields into LFA1 table.I append the custom fields on the pop-up screen into table LFA1. I want to insert these field values into LFA1 table.I search all USER-EXITS and BADI'S but i did n't find any one if u know any badis for this purpose one please help me.
2008 Nov 20 9:45 AM
You can try in enhancement SAPMF02K - EXIT_SAPMF02K_001
Madhan D
2008 Nov 20 9:56 AM
Hi Madan thanx for ur reply,
I tried that enhancement but it has only import parameters there are no export parameters, but i explicitly write INSERT command in exit.That record is inserted in dadabase table. But when i'm creating Vendor with same number system does not give any error message. its simply creating with that number.
2008 Nov 20 10:16 AM
You can to try implement implicit enhancement in the program MF02KFEX.
Generally implicit enhancement is available at the begin and end of FORM.
You can try implement at the end of FORM AUFRUF_USER_EXIT.
At the end of AUFRUF_USER_EXIT we are calling CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '001', after this call
if you implement implicit enchancement, we have option of implementing our own code at this place.
Instead of creating your own screen, pls try to use any pop_UP function modules.
Since you are modifying standard SAP, pls be careful
Madhan D
2008 Nov 20 10:30 AM
There is no code after function module CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION '001' in FORM AUFRUF_USER_EXIT. what is Implicit enhancement. How to create check boxes on screens using Pop-up function modules. I'm usng SAP version 4.7EE. Please help about this requirement.
2008 Nov 21 6:39 AM
I am not sure, whether Implicit enhancement is available in 4.7, but you can give a try.
Be careful since you are touching the standard SAP program, probably you can put USER ID and tcode check
If SY-UNAME = ' Your user name' and sy-tcode = 'XK01'.
Place your code.
After complete testing, you can remove that check, i normally do that while developing the enhancement.
open the program MF02KFEX
before the syntax button are you seeing any spiral button.
If Yes, click on the same
You can see the difference in the editor
Than go to menu
EDIT -> Enhancement Operation -> Show Implicit Enhancement Operations
You can see something in yellow color , one is in the begin of FORM AUFRUF_USER_EXIT and another just before the ENDFORM of AUFRUF_USER_EXIT.
"""""""""""$"$\SE:(1 ) Form AUFRUF_USER_EXIT, Start
""""""""""$"$\SE:(2 ) Form AUFRUF_USER_EXIT, End
Place the cursor on """"""""""$"$\SE:(2 ) Form AUFRUF_USER_EXIT, End
Right click -> Enhancement Implementation -> Create
You will get a popup with 3 options "Declaration, Code, Cancel"
Choose Code, You will get one more popup, Click on Create button.
You will get option to write the code, just before the endform.
Probably you can design a screen with check box, assign a transaction to that and call the transaction in the
Implicit Enhancement.
I suggest you to read the IMPLICIT Documentation provided by SAP, before starting the development
Let me know, if you need further help on this
Madhan D