2010 Feb 12 11:41 AM
I am creating an idoc which is a list of
country code,plant,matnr,quantity.
I have created a custom segment for this.
While creating an idoc I am putting this line in the same segment i.e.
t_edidd-segnam = 'TESTIDOC'.
t_edidd-sdata = zsegment.
t_edidd-segnum = count_seg.
t_edidd-psgnum = 0.
t_edidd-hlevel = 1.
The idoc is being created but I am getting errors as
Get details from previous status records with status 26
EDI: Syntax error in IDoc (too many repetitions of a segment)
How this type of idocs are created?
2010 Feb 12 11:49 AM
check your idoc type
in we30
how many segments TESTIDOC is allowed...
(setting: Maximum number of segments in sequence)
2010 Feb 12 11:49 AM
check your idoc type
in we30
how many segments TESTIDOC is allowed...
(setting: Maximum number of segments in sequence)
2010 Feb 12 1:10 PM
This error is the segment definition violation. Open your BASIC IDOC type in WE30, double click on the segment TESTIDOC.
In the popup you can see properties like mandatory segment, Minimum number and Max number. Your IDOC is crossing the max number of repetitions it can have. If any of the segment definition perperties like this one, or improper position of the segment etc occurs IDOC is generated with syntax error.