2009 Feb 23 9:48 PM
Hi all,
We have converting our ECC 6.0 non unicode system to unicode system, we are running our background jobs from Maestro to connect to SAP. But when we connect to run a job we get the below error message.
The current ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" had to be terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLJ1O1 " in include "SAP
" in
line 0:
"The program "SAPLJ1O1" is not Unicode-compatible, according to its pro"
"gram attributes."
" "
" "
The include has been created and last changed by:
Created by: "SZARD "
Last changed by: "SZARD "
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "SAPMSSY1" had to be terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
When we checked the attributes for the program, it says its a non unicode program.
Can anyone suggest what we can do to resolve this issue
Thanks & Regards
2009 Feb 26 1:44 PM
SAPLJ1O1 is a function group delivered by IBM. The issue should certainly be reported to them because it might indicate a flaw in their software distribution policy.
You can use transaction UCCHECK to verify that the program does not contain any code that is incompatible with Unicode. If there are no problems in the program then you can have UCCHECK itself set the Unicode attribute.
2009 Feb 23 9:58 PM
In the attributes of SAPLJ1O1 (SE38) check the flag "Unicode Checks Active". In case of syntax errors like "statement xxxxxx is not unicode compliant" you'll have to contact the developer of this program and ask them to make it unicode compliant.
2009 Feb 26 1:44 PM
SAPLJ1O1 is a function group delivered by IBM. The issue should certainly be reported to them because it might indicate a flaw in their software distribution policy.
You can use transaction UCCHECK to verify that the program does not contain any code that is incompatible with Unicode. If there are no problems in the program then you can have UCCHECK itself set the Unicode attribute.
2009 Mar 02 8:51 PM
Ya! that programs is developed by IBM for Maestro, so we had to contact IBM for the relevant ECC 6.0 unicode transports and perform the transport.
Now its working
Thanks Marco