2007 Jun 07 12:46 PM
Hello and sorry for my bad english
I have a material in MM02 with a image ( .jpg) attachment to a material, i can see the image in "attachment list" but i need to print this image in a sapscript or smartforms...
How i can do this? How and where save SAP the information about this attachment files?
thanks to all
2007 Jun 07 12:49 PM
You can upload the image. Steps are:
Command in your Sapscript
These are the steps to be followed for uploading graphics in R/3 system
1. First save the file as BMP
2. Open the BMP file in IMaging (Goto -> Programs -> Accessories -> Imaging) and
make it Zoom as 100% and save as *.TIFF
3. Open SE38 and execute program RSTXLDMC
4. Give your TIFF file path name
5. Select Bcol (for Color)
6. TEXT ID will be ZHEX-MACRO-*.
7. Inplace of * write your own logo name (ZCOMPANYLOGO)
8. Execute the program
9. Now Goto SE71 create your ZFORM
10. Create logo window
11. Goto text element of logo window
2007 Jun 07 12:50 PM
First load image into SAP SE78 Transaction,then write a program and design the layout..
use SE78 Transaction to load image
2007 Jun 07 1:02 PM
No, sorry
I already have the image in sap, but not where...
I can se it in transaccion MM02 -> "attachment list " (icon arrives at the left), there i can see a list of documents attachment to material (pdf, jpg, txt, etc...).
How and where save SAP the information about this attachment files?
How can i access to a document in that list from my code abap?