2007 Mar 28 6:33 PM
Hi experts,
Do yo know, how can i display a formula editor dialog box with abap code ?
For example, I have a table and the client wants to operate the data fields.
Maybe a method, FM, ...
Please any sugestion will be aprecciate.
2007 Mar 29 4:11 PM
2007 Mar 29 4:16 PM
Is this something you are looking for??
2007 Mar 29 9:46 PM
Hi Ravi, thanks for the reply.
Its not exactly what i looking for.
I must develop a screen or a dialog box, where the cliente can write a formula for example: A*B+C.
Where A, B, C are fields of a table.
After that, evaluate the formula with fields values. I know how to evaluate a formula (string), but im geting trouble with the screen.
I think the Query Designer (BW) formula editor would be the answer.
But i cant find the way to display it.
If there other fm that you know, it would be apreciate.