2007 Mar 12 2:13 PM
frends,what is the diff between the search help created in data dictionary as that of created
by using pov.
2007 Mar 12 2:16 PM
the search help that is created in the pov section will be specific to the program in which the pov code is there.
if u create search help in the database, it is across all programs that use the data element for which yo uhave created the search help.
2007 Mar 12 2:16 PM
the search help that is created in the pov section will be specific to the program in which the pov code is there.
if u create search help in the database, it is across all programs that use the data element for which yo uhave created the search help.
2007 Mar 12 2:40 PM
Hi Rajareddy....
if u have both pov and a search help for a screen field pov is given higher preference:
see the following like u will understand clearly.....
Reward points if useful......
2007 Mar 13 1:24 AM
You can call dialog modules in the POV event using the event keyword PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST.
After the PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST statement, you can only use the MODULE statement together with the FIELD statement. When the user chooses F4 for a field f, the system calls the module mod belonging to the FIELD statement. If there is more than one FIELD statement for the same field f, only the first is executed. The module mod is defined in the ABAP program like a normal PAI module. However, the contents of the screen field f are not available, since it is not transported by the FIELD statement during the PROCESS ON HELP-REQUEST event. You can now program your own value lists in the module. However, this procedure is only recommended if it really is not possible to use a search help. Defining search helps is much easier than PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST, since the system takes over some of the standard operations, such as getting field contents from the screen. It also ensures that the F4 help has a uniform look and feel throughout the system. Furthermore, it means that you do not have to reassign input help to fields on each screen.
Despite the introduction of search helps (and search help exits), there are still cases in which you need to use parts of the standard F4 functions directly. In this case, there are some standard function modules that you can use in the POV event. They support search helps, as well as all other kinds of input help, and are responsible for data transport between the screen and the input help. These alll have the prefix F4IF_. The most important are:
Calls the input help of the ABAP Dictionary dynamically. You can pass the component names of a structure or database table of the ABAP Dictionary to the function module in the import parameters TABNAME and FIELDNAME. The function module starts the ABAP Dictionary input help for this component. All of the relevant screen fields are read. If you specify the import parameters DYNPPROG, DYNPNR, and DYNPROFIELD, the users selection is returned to the corresponding field on the screen. If you specify the table parameter RETURN_TAB, the selection is returned into the table instead.
This function module displays a value list that you created in an ABAP program. The self-programmed value list is passed to the function module as the table parameter VALUE_TAB. If you specify the import parameters DYNPPROG, DYNPNR, and DYNPROFIELD, the users selection is returned to the corresponding field on the screen. If you specify the table parameter RETURN_TAB, the selection is returned into the table instead.