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Deletion of include in enhancement

Former Member
0 Kudos

I had created one include in one implicit enhancement.But I deleted the enhancement accidentally. now when I am going to delete the include I am going to face below error.

  "Include cannot be deleted because references exist".

Please help me to delete this include.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

In the error pop-up there will be the objects where the include is used. You click on the where-used list icon  in the application toolbar to see the list of objects using this include. Remove the include from these objects and then try Deleting the Include.

Where-used list icon

0 Kudos

But the enhancement  was deleted already.

0 Kudos

You may have removed the enhancement from the program but you did not delete it. For deleting enhancement do this in SE19 .

Confirm both actions. Removing the Enhancement from Program and the above.

0 Kudos

I had deleted the enhancement through SE19 tcode not from program.

0 Kudos

Hi Subhranshu,

If this is implicit enhancement then I guess check in SE80 with following steps. If you see it in the Package then you can remove reference first and then delete enhancement (if want to delete).

  1.  Select the package and expand it.

  2.  Expand the Enhancements node.

  3.  Expand the Enhancement Implementations node.

  4.  Select the desired enhancement implementation.

  5.  Select Delete from the context menu.


Viral Shah

0 Kudos

You have to remove those line from the program also. You have to undo implementation as shown below. Place the cursor on Enhancement name and do this.

0 Kudos

Hi Viral,

    I can't find the enhancement in package as I already deleted the same through SE19.



0 Kudos

As I had already deleted the enhancement,I can't find the same in program.

0 Kudos

It seems like we would have needed to comment out the include in the enhancement first or something. I had the same issue where the include was not really used anymore but SAP wouldn't let me delete it.

I used function RS_DELETE_PROGRAM to achieve this since it is what SAP calls.

Note that you must provide the correction number so that the deletion gets transported.

The key input field is SUPPRESS_POPUP.

I'm sure this is not an "approved" solution from SAP and should only be used if you really understand the relationship. The proper way is probably to reimplement the enhancement, comment out your include, activate, and then try again...