2006 Nov 27 5:34 PM
hi to all,
help me in this issue,
i am working on customer statements i am getting problem like
it is picking up the date format according to the customer like
30.05.2006 or 2005/05/26 like this in differt ways according to the customers
but i want to have only one format like date:month :year what ever the coustomer country is how to get this.
thanks in advance
kiran kumar.
2006 Nov 27 5:39 PM
Why dont you check this FM
2006 Nov 27 5:49 PM
there are no FM as such...U need to write logic as such...
declare variables...
get the sy-uname for the customer created...now using sy-uname goto USR01 & get the DATFM for the user.
case datfm.
when '1'.
v1 = date+0(2).
v2 = date+3(2).
v3 = date+5(4).
when '2' or '3'.
v2 = date+0(2).
v1 = date+3(2).
v3 = date+5(2).
when '4' or '5' or '6'.
v3 = date+0(4).
v2 = date+5(2).
v1 = date+7(2).
concatenate v1 v2 v3 into date separated by '/' or '.'
2006 Nov 27 5:56 PM
hi ramesh it is in the subroutine this logic should be written after we get value in to
it_invalue or before.
thanks in advacne
kiran kumar
2006 Nov 27 5:49 PM
i am getting duedate from
where in it_intab ia, getting value from bsid-zfbdt.
in table zfbdt the date is stored in the normal mpattern like date.month..year
but for some customers the value of l_zfbdt is taken as 2005/05/29 like this i think it is taking according to the customer country.
plz tell me how to solve this problem to get the single date format in l_zfbdt.
thanks in advance
kiran kumar.
2006 Nov 27 6:23 PM
You are converting date with write statment to user representation (see Tx SU3).
Use MOVE instead WRITE.
2006 Nov 27 6:58 PM
Hi ,
Did you try SET COUNTRY < country name> in your form script ? .