2005 Apr 25 10:24 AM
Hi ,
What is the way to find which all unit of measure can be converted to KG.
Is there any function module to do it.
My requirement is as follows , i have an internal table which has material numbers and quantity , as per the specification all the quantities must be converted to KG where ever possible.
So how do i proceed with it.
2005 Apr 25 10:27 AM
Hi Arun,
Have a look at the function module MATERIAL_CONVERT_QUANTITY.
Anand Mandalika.
2005 Apr 25 10:42 AM
I think you can also take a look at MARM table ( Alternative unit of measure for material / conversion factor ).
And take a look in SE37 to FM : ' UNIT_CONVERSION* '
2005 Apr 25 12:08 PM
UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE convert weights from one UOM to another.
2005 Apr 25 10:51 AM
Hi Arun,
Stick with Anands suggestion for MATERIAL_CONVERT_QUANTITY. The other functions always deal with base units of measure which just means more work for you. Two things to note, however:
1. You may get rounding errors with this function. This is because it does two conversions (if required). It first converts your quantity to a base unit quantity, then it converts this quantity to the desired unit (in your case KG). If you are looking for a high degree of accuracy then this can cause problems. In this case you are better off looking at the MARM entries directly and performing the calculation yourself in one step.
2. Depending upon your industry, some of your materials may have a conversion to other weights (like grams or tonnes) and not KG. In this case you may need to do a conversion to that unit first using MATERIAL_CONVERT_QUANTITY and then convert to KG using UNIT_CONVERSION_SIMPLE (which does metric conversions for you). Of course, the same concerns with rounding as discussed in 1. above apply.
Hope that helps.
Message was edited by: Brad Williams