2005 May 03 1:20 PM
I have just set up the idoc conf21 - and everything works perfectly well (I ticked "immediate update" via CI41 in order to avoid using CIP2).
I have simulated an error in the ILE01 unit of measurement I putted 'XXX'.
I launched the idoc via we19 and the idoc appears in status 53 green. ( This is normal because the status 53 represents only the fact that function module KK2A_GET_DATA_FROM_IDOC has runned without errors. It does not report errors possibly occuring in PROCESS_CC2_MESSAGES_PARALLEL.)
Obviously due to the 'XXX' the confirmation did not happen. The record disappeared from the table RUECK.
Question : How can I monitor this type of error ?
2005 May 03 1:31 PM
Go to CO16
reprocess - change the *** in unit of measurement to H
back - the line shoulb be green now
and up this is it !