2007 Feb 25 3:15 AM
I read the cfw and would like to clarify. thx
Flush method in class cl_gui_cfw. I read that it is used to synchronise backend (app server) and frontend (gui client) but still not so clear.
1)why we have to do the flush
2)at which point or where to do the flush while using control like texteditor or other controls. I don't know where to do and why to do. what is the concept behind this.
3)Is it to make backend synchronized with frontend or make frontend synchronized with backend?
4)What is Automation queue and automation call? How do we know these?
5)how to queue the call in a table?
From the statement :
Queue the calls in a special table and process the whole queue only upon well defined method calls, cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
I read that Events are sent from frontend to backend as function codes have to be interpreted using this method? Interprete the ok_code and find out which event type (double click , ..)
6)what is dispatch method does in cl_gui_cfw? Interprete the ok_code? Or is it used to check if the event has been registered in backend?
7)at which point we need to have cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch?
😎 why register event need to define data table and working area? For example:
Data events type cntl_simple_events.
Data wa_events type cntl_simple_event.
2007 Feb 25 4:43 PM
there is a good short documentation with a diagram about flush at
<a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_470/helpdata/en/e4/6013361d5af835e10000009b38f839/frameset.htm">Controls Tutorial (BC-CI)</a>
Please go there to the <b>Lesson 3: Flush Optimization</b> -> <b>Introduction</b>
2007 Feb 25 4:43 PM
there is a good short documentation with a diagram about flush at
<a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_470/helpdata/en/e4/6013361d5af835e10000009b38f839/frameset.htm">Controls Tutorial (BC-CI)</a>
Please go there to the <b>Lesson 3: Flush Optimization</b> -> <b>Introduction</b>
2007 Feb 26 12:25 AM
2007 Feb 26 6:18 AM
Dispatch Method of cl_gui_cfw : Use this method to dispatch application events ( see Event Handling) to the event handlers registered for the events. If you do not call the method within the PAI event of your application program, it is called automatically by the system after the PAI has been processed. The method returns a return code from which you can tell if the call was successful.
CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch
IMPORTING return_code = return_code
Please refer to these links which explain clearly about the Control framework and in detail all the methods of cl_gui_cfw class.
Check this, wich explains in detail about the Automation Queue.
Hope this helps you.