2007 Dec 16 3:27 PM
Dear concerned,
Kindly let me know, how I can generate profile in
the child system centrally
after maintaining a role in the central system.
Whenever I maintain the role in the central system
,for example add T-code to the role,I have to go to every child system individually to generate the profile corressponding to the role.
Kindly let me know to handle this centrally in CUA.
2007 Dec 16 6:29 PM
CUA is Central User Administration, not Central Role Administration. You cannot do what you are proposing unless you transport the role maintained in the central system to the child systems.
Maintain your roles in the systems in which they are used. If you have a role in the central system that is used in the central system then maintain/generate it there. If you have a role that is used in a child system then maintain it in the child system.
2007 Dec 18 9:05 PM
CUA is central user administration not for centrall roll administratiion .Normally in three system land scape roll are creating in development server and those roll transporting to Quality systems next production sytem . if allready that roll is available in production but we modified in devlopment then that roll will be overwrite.and chnges will be applicable but we need to regenerate the profile.
2007 Dec 21 10:44 AM
detailed explaination of CUA can be found in link below :
These gives the knowledge of CUA concept in security.