2006 Jul 22 5:04 AM
hello everybody.
in bdc, what is the purpose of bdc_okcode and bdc_cursor,
while refering the book, i got the answer
bdc_okcode to save the bdc data
bdc_cursor to position the cursor.
but i am not clear with that answer.
please guide me
2006 Jul 22 5:08 AM
BDC_OKCODE: is used for storing commands during the recording. like '/00' is the command for 'ENTER' Key.
BDC_CURSOR: contains the cursor position. it contians the field in which cursor will be. if you want to position to some specific field you can use this.
Wasim Ahmed
2006 Jul 22 5:13 AM
2006 Jul 22 5:24 AM
BCD_OKCODE is used for giving some optoins such as triggering the event such as 'SAVE', 'ENTER' , 'PAGEUP', 'PAGEDOWN'.
whre as BDC_CURSOR is used to fill the data in the fields in the transaction while executing.
2006 Jul 22 5:25 AM
we use these fields in data uploading through recording.
the transaction is 'SHDB' for making recording for transaction. and then transfer these recordings to a program for mass uploading of data.
Here i have paste a sample code where bdc_cursor and bdc_okcode is used in recording.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
for details on BDC recordings go through the following link and you will have all details.
Wasim Ahmed
2006 Sep 25 7:27 AM
SUCH AS ...'/00'...FOR ENTER
..............I NEDD BADLY...
2006 Nov 27 2:03 PM
i am fresher in ABAP programing, could u plz tell me What are the BDC Methods?
and differences between them?
plz reply me.....
2006 Nov 29 9:50 AM
There are two methods in BDC -
1. Session method, in which a session that is created using the data from the file can be processed in SM35.
Function modules : BDC_OPEN_GROUP, BDC_INSERT and BDC_CLOSE_GROUP are used to create a session for BDC.
The advantage of session method over the other method is that you can have multiple calls of the same transaction in one session and process this session in one stretch using SM35.
2. Call transaction method, in which the transaction is called directly as follows:
CALL TRANSACTION 'TCODE' using it_bdcdata, where it_bdcdata is the internal table of type bdcdata filled with data from the file for upload.
Check the following link for more information.
Reward points if this is helpful.
Kayal Priyadarshini
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Kayal Priyadarshini
2006 Dec 02 11:17 AM
Hi again,
Very thanx for your help, but plz ignore me i don't know how to give points?
or how to mark it as question plz help me? and u r self also...
What are the 'ranges'?
what is 'DRILL_DOWN' report?
What are the abap commands linked to 'layout set'?
How do we debug "SAP SCRIPT"?
What are select-options?
plz help me.
Reply fast......plzzzzzzzzzz
2006 Sep 25 7:50 AM
U can find The ok code for The buttons, just put clik the buttons, and hold then press fl button in keybord,
and click the technical Attributs, there u can find the okcode.
if it is useful dont forget to give the point.