2012 Oct 03 7:06 PM
Hi all,
I am trying to set up a bdc session for entering pricing conditions through vk11. I recorded a session of the transaction using tcode SHDB to set up the bdc table with the parameters needed to complete the transaction, but it is not saving when I pass it to BDC_INSERT. Essentially the logic looks like this...
LOOP at itab into wa.
build bdc_tab using program, dynopro, dynbegin and fname from transaction SHDB recording with corresponding wa-fval
COMIT WORK every 100 records
From the SHDB recording the first line in the display is
program = ' '
dynpro = ' '
dynbegin = 'T'
fname = 'VK11'
fval = ' '
If I include this line in the bdc_tab i get an eror of screen ' ' is invalid, but if i don't the session completes with no errors but does not save to the db tables. The recording that it is modeled after worked successfully, so I'm not sure why it won't save when running in the program bdc session with the exact same parameters. This is the fisrt bdc I have ever set up so I'm not sure what all I need to check. Any help is appreciated
2012 Oct 03 7:47 PM
Yes the blank values are special.
You need to refresh bdctab for every loop pass.
The first line without dynpro is not needed.
There must be a statement when you save vk11 while recording .
That has to be included.
Ok codes could be different for each tcode though.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
2012 Oct 03 7:47 PM
Yes the blank values are special.
You need to refresh bdctab for every loop pass.
The first line without dynpro is not needed.
There must be a statement when you save vk11 while recording .
That has to be included.
Ok codes could be different for each tcode though.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
2012 Oct 03 8:06 PM
I do refresh the bdctab each loop pass. In the recording, I go through the transaction completing all steps, and then cilck save. When I click save it takes me to the log with the list of bdctab values. The last item on that list is the last field filled in- the Valid to date. Where would I see the step where it saved? Are there specific settings when I run the record that should be set to see this, or to actually complete the save? I think this part is what I might be missing.
2012 Oct 03 8:30 PM
In SHDB after hitting save for VK11 go back and save the recording and then view the recording in ABAP editor.
There you will see the OK code for save.
Or you can just scroll down the recording steps and check the OKCODEs and use one which might be for VK11 save.
2012 Oct 03 8:32 PM
2012 Oct 09 4:53 PM
Thanks for your help,I am getting closer. I did need to customize the lines added to the bdctab based on some variations. Now it works and saves when using CALL TRANSACTION 'VK11' USING bdctab MODE 'N', but when I use BDC_INSERT it does not save to the db tables. Is there a special commit or extra step needed to use BDC_INSERT vs CALL TRANSACTION?
2012 Oct 09 6:11 PM
I have figured it out. The BDC_INSERT creates a session that must be manually run through SM35. I found a way to submit that automatically through the program after the group was closed and it updates the database then.
The code i used to submit the session through the program was...
DATA v_qid TYPE apq_quid.
* Post BDC session programatically
SUBMIT rsbdcsub WITH mappe = i_session "i_session = gruop name from open_group
WITH von = sy-datum
WITH bis = sy-datum
* Displaying session for errors
* selection for qid to display session log
INTO v_qid
FROM apqi
WHERE datatyp = 'BDC'
AND groupid = i_session
AND progid = sy-repid
AND userid = sy-uname
AND credate = sy-datum.
* submit the program for BDC session error log
SUBMIT rsbdc_protocol
WITH session = i_session
WITH user = sy-uname
WITH queue_id = v_qid