2006 Jul 13 8:17 PM
Does anyone know if there is an update for the BAPI_MATERIAL_GET_PRODUCTHIER BAPI? This bapi returns the text for the product hierarchy in text fields with a length of 20. It truncates the values since it should be 40 in length. I have not found any updates or different bapis that might return the longer full value. If you look in this bapi you can see the FM it calls RV_PRODUKTHIERARCHIE_SHOW returns a table/structure that has the full text value. But then this gets placed into a structure called node_list which has two text fields of the size of 20. I need one that returns the full value any help is appreciated.
2006 Jul 13 8:29 PM
Your issue could probabaly be fixed fairly easily if you were to replace the data element which is tied to the TEXT field of BAPIMAT_PRODH structure. Maybe replace PRODH_CTEXT data element with PRODH_BEZ40 data element. Of course you will have to register the object with SAP. I don't really see any problem in doing so since this structure is only really used in this BAPI.
Rich Heilman
2006 Jul 13 8:29 PM
Your issue could probabaly be fixed fairly easily if you were to replace the data element which is tied to the TEXT field of BAPIMAT_PRODH structure. Maybe replace PRODH_CTEXT data element with PRODH_BEZ40 data element. Of course you will have to register the object with SAP. I don't really see any problem in doing so since this structure is only really used in this BAPI.
Rich Heilman