2008 Feb 15 1:11 AM
can anyone tell me what are the values to be filled in the fields specified by BAPI_INCOMINGINVOICE_CREATE for the following help given in this BAPI as below.
If planned delivery costs are posted for a purchase order, the fields Level Number (COND_ST_NO) und Condition Counter (COND_COUNT) or the field Condition Type (COND_TYPE) must be populated.
(You can interpret the values for the fields from database table KONV for condition and transaction data.)
i have tried putting COND_ST_NO = 1 COND_COUNT = 1.
or i have tried putting COND_TYPE = 'FRA1' both of these are giving error.
that we cannot post delivery cost.
what are the actual values that can be used to correct the function module.
Yao Chhang
2008 Feb 15 1:33 AM
check the sample code of this BAPI here
See if it can help.
2008 Sep 20 12:21 PM